If your passion is to protect the rights of all people, regardless of race, gender, color, national origin, religion, disability or age, the Equal Employment career field is for you! The Equal Opportunity specialty is made of jobs that require discretion and neutrality, while exuding confidence and resolve. Individuals working in this specialty are required to communicate with individuals at all levels. They must also be able to brief audiences of all sizes on topics that are not always pleasant. Officers working in the EO career specialty apply Federal Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity principles, laws, policies, regulations, diversity, inclusion concepts, and relevant organizational and community policies. They advise the command element, DIA officers and supervisors on the implementation, management and compliance with Equal Employment (military)/Equal Employment Opportunity (civilian) programs and initiatives, such as affirmative employment, complaints management, special emphasis, reasonable accommodations, and workforce diversity and inclusion. Officers also provide Equal Employment Opportunity and diversity awareness training, analyze demographic trends, administer the discrimination complaints and reasonable accommodation processes, identify potential adverse impact, and support resolution of issues. Non-supervisory positions in this specialty include Equal Employment specialists, which encompass the following roles:
- EO Consultant.
- EEO Complaint Manager.
- EEO Investigator.
- Special Emphasis Program Manager.
- Personal Care Assistant.
- EO Program Assistant.
- Interpreter.