HomeTrainingIC Centers for Academic Excellence

IC Centers for Academic Excellence


Provide grants to competitively chosen universities and colleges to enhance the recruitment and retention of an ethnically and culturally diverse Intelligence Community workforce with capabilities critical to the national security interest of the United States.


Build long-term partnerships with accredited universities nationwide and work with them to develop sustainable national security and intelligence education programs to meet our IC CAE mission. These programs increase the pool of diverse job applicants who also possess highly desired skills and competencies in areas of critical need within the IC.


  1. Key components are: critical language development and cultural immersion through study abroad initiatives and foreign language immersion
  2. Ensure the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines are implemented into the universities intelligence related curricula
  3. Provide skills to apply student's primary area of study
  4. Enable student access to recruitment opportunities
  5. IC CAE students are more competitive for intelligence internships and employment

Who benefits

Universities, students, the IC and each of its agencies, and the nation.

CAE Authorities

  1. FY 2010 Appropriations Act Title III, Subtitle B; SEC. 313. Intelligence Officer Training Program
  2. Title 50, Chapter 15, Subchapter VII – A, Part C, Section 441p. Intelligence Officer Training Program
  3. Title 50 USC § 403–1 – n. Responsibilities and authorities of the Director of National Intelligence; delegation authority
  4. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and Defense Intelligence Agency regarding the IC Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE Program), Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP), and the National Security Analysis and Intelligence Summer Seminar (NSAISS); dated September 26, 2011
  5. Memorandum "Authorization to Use Certain Authorities to Manage the Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence Program" from the Director of National Intelligence, dated August 27, 2012; # E/S 000598
  6. DNI Memorandum for Distribution, "Designation of Services of Common Concern" dated 27 December 2010
  7. Intelligence Community Directive 203 – Analytic Standards: http://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICD/ICD%20203%20Analytic%20Standards%20pdf-unclassified.pdf
  8. Intelligence Community Directive 205 – Analytic Outreach: http://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICD/ICD_205.pdf