On March 8, the National
Intelligence University presented the Honorable George H.W. Bush with an
honorary Doctor of Strategic Intelligence degree, recognizing the 41st
President of the United States as “an exemplar of the highest ideals of service
to the security and well-being of the nation.” The honorary degree was presented
by NIU President Dr. David Ellison during a small ceremony at President Bush’s
Houston office. Also in attendance were
former First Lady Barbara Bush and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Dean of The George
Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A & M University.
Bush has a long record of distinguished service to his country. As the 41st
President of the United States, he was the ultimate consumer of U.S.
intelligence. Prior to his service as the Commander in Chief, he was a naval
aviator in World War II, Congressman from Texas, Ambassador to the United
Nations, Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing, Director of Central Intelligence
at the CIA, and Vice President of the United States under President Ronald
Reagan. Throughout this distinguished career, President Bush was the consummate
intelligence consumer and practitioner, balancing the needs of national
security and the values of democracy. Throughout
his presidency, he used intelligence as an instrument of national power and in
support of foreign policy to our collective best advantage and to great result.
The National Intelligence University takes great
pride in recognizing President Bush’s career by awarding him the degree of Doctor of Strategic
Intelligence, Honoris Causa.
Intelligence University is an accredited federal degree-granting institution
whose main campus is located in Washington, DC. Its alumni are past, present,
and future leaders in the intelligence and national security communities and in
the private sector. Notable alumni include a former director of national
intelligence; former directors of CIA, NSA, DIA, and NGA; former heads of
military intelligence; and a growing number of senior government executives and
corporate leaders. For more information, visit www.ni-u.edu.