LTG Daniel Graham, USA
September 1974 - December 1975

In October 1974, Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham began a comprehensive overhaul of DIA production functions, organization and management. The end of the Vietnam War produced many refugees and heightened concern for American POW/MIAs. Intense congressional review during 1975-76 created turbulence in the national Intelligence Community. Amid these issues, massive resource shortages plagued DIA and the entire defense intelligence community.

During this time, DIA sought to offset heavy production requirements by using the delegated production concept, and a report from the Intelligence Management Study Group led to a reorganization of all DIA production activities.


"The official end of the Vietnam War in 1975 created greater interest in American POWs and MIAs. During this time, DIA sought improved means for providing accurate and timely intelligence in a world filled with increasing challenges."


In November 1974, the Agency's Joint Staff division became the J-2 Support Office, and its duties were expanded to emphasize DIA's Joint Chiefs of Staff support role and the role of the DIA director as the J-2 of the Joint Staff.

DIA completed the appointment of the its first six defense intelligence officers in April 1975. Through the years, DIOs have served as the DIA director's personal senior staff representatives on substantive geographic and functional intelligence matters. Moreover, they interface with the CIA's national intelligence officers, assist in promoting utilization of defense intelligence products, and increase the timeliness and quality of defense intelligence.

The official end of the Vietnam War in 1975 created greater interest in American POWs and MIAs. During this time, DIA sought improved means for providing accurate and timely intelligence in a world filled with increasing challenges. DIA faced the need for intelligence on coups in Ethiopia and Portugal, and independence movements in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau.